• A woman in a black dress is sitting in front of a bush.


    Just Me takes you on the journey of a fatherless daughter and a motherless child. Thirteen-year-old Reyna Lexington's life is turned upside down when she finds her mother in a relationship with a man named Blue.


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A woman wearing a sweater that says ice of black is reading a book

Once Reyna and Blue's worlds collide, everything spirals out of control

With nowhere to turn and not knowing who to trust, Reyna finds herself in a bind she cannot get herself out of. As her biggest secret unfolds right before her eyes, she is forced to face the music, a song she never even chose to sing.

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Sneak Peek

"So I'm in class staring through the window, wishing I could be anywhere but here."



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Pun intended.



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A woman wearing a white shirt and a necklace is smiling

Kiki Chatman, The Author

When Kiki Chatman was a young girl, her mother told her, "If you can't talk to anybody about it, write it down." So she wrote. It started with poetry and grew into short stories.

During her high school years, her English teacher was so enamoured with her writing that she asked Kiki if she could share her assignments as an example of great storytelling for the students in her other English classes. Her weekly stories became so popular that schoolmates would excitedly pass around her composition books between passing periods, eagerly asking her, "Ki, did you write anything else?" whenever they saw her in the halls.

In 2002, Kiki and her young family moved to Las Vegas, Nevada. She was so sad and homesick for California that she did just what her mama had told her to do...she wrote.

That is how Just Me came about.

Even as a young author of stories and poetry, Kiki has always been passionate about her writing, and its important for Kiki Chatman to leave her mark on the world. Other people always told her she had #BlackGirlMagic, and finally she is ready to share her magic with the world.

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